Continued efforts to develop coordinated, targeted approaches to better support dually eligible individuals is paramount during the pandemic, yet, the heterogeneity of this population requires specialized, targeted, and person-centered interventions to meet the diversity of their needs.
This blog series explores the effects of COVID-19 on different dually eligible subpopulations. It reflects on the systemic inequities and fragmentation that dually eligible individuals face as they seek to access the care and services they need. Beneficiary advocates, health plans, providers, and other experts were interviewed to examine how each population is impacted and explore ways that integrated programs can mitigate the clinical and social consequences of the pandemic.
Read the series:
- COVID-19’s Effect on Dually Eligible Populations – Highlights how dually eligible subpopulations — including people who use home- and community-based services, individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities, residents of nursing facilities, and people with serious mental illness — have been adversely impacted by COVID-19.
- The Impact of COVID-19 on Dual Eligible Individuals Using Home- and Community-Based Services – Examines the challenges dually eligible individuals who use home- and community-based services are experiencing due to COVID-19, as well as policy and program changes in response to the pandemic.
- Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Dually Eligible Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities – Explores how the pandemic has exacerbated existing challenges for dually eligible individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and how integrated plans can address these challenges.
- How COVID-19 Affects Dually Eligible Nursing Facility Residents – Features experts’ insights on how the pandemic has impacted dually eligible individuals living in nursing facilities, and policy changes that can address related challenges.
- COVID-19’s Impact on Dually Eligible Individuals with Serious Mental Illness – Illuminates the issues dually eligible individuals with serious mental illness are facing due to COVID-19 and how integrated plans can be a solution to these obstacles.