Medicare-Medicaid integration may be a relatively new topic for some state staff, providers, consumers, or other stakeholders, but their buy-in is key to the design and implementation of successful integrated care programs. The resources in this section explain the benefits of Medicare-Medicaid integration and describe how these care models work.
What’s a D-SNP? How States Are Learning About Medicare to Better Integrate Care for Dually Eligible Individuals
Features insights from Medicaid officials in Indiana and Maine on how their agencies successfully implementing Medicare integration models in managed and non-managed care environments.
Update on Medicare-Medicaid Integration
Describes opportunities open to states to better integrate care for dually eligible individuals, including efforts already underway in states across the nation.
What Works to Improve Care for Dual Eligible Individuals: An Evidence and Resource Review
Summarizes a set of curated resources to help various stakeholders better understand both the needs of the dually eligible population and emerging evidence and practical approaches for advancing Medicare-Medicaid integration.
Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on Dually Eligible Individuals
Describes how COVID-19 amplified existing risk factors facing dually eligible individuals and why aligning Medicare and Medicaid benefits and services for this population may improve beneficiary and family experience of care, quality of care, and support positive care outcomes.
Integrated Care Programs for Dually Eligible Individuals in the Era of COVID-19: Response Efforts and Policy Recommendations
Distills insights about COVID-19 response efforts from states and health plans that offer integrated programs and offers recommendations to support Medicare-Medicaid integration.
Medicare-Medicaid Integrated Care Programs During COVID-19 and Beyond
Features states that operate integrated care programs and their participating health plans speaking about how these programs are responding to the needs of dually eligible individuals as the COVID-19 pandemic persists.
Advancing Medicare and Medicaid Integration: Key Program Features and Factors Driving State Investment
Describes key features of effective integrated care programs and presents top policy considerations driving state investment in these programs based on the experiences of 10 states with pioneering integrated care programs.
Assessing Success in Medicare-Medicaid Integration: A Review of Measurement Strategies
Details success stories from two health plans and examines the program elements behind these successes and the potential for existing measures — as well as measures currently in development — to accurately assess the performance of integrated care programs.
Communicating the Value of Integrated Care to Stakeholders
Discusses the reasons why it is important to engage stakeholder groups, how to identify audience groups within the stakeholder community, how to target messages, and what communication methods are available.