How can community engagement best serve specific populations like children and families, adults with complex health and social needs, and those dually enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid?
These resources outline community engagement implementation along population-specific lines, and highlight strategies for collaboration and engagement with individuals across a number of different populations. Materials include program design recommendations, best practices, case studies, and other resources with specific considerations for populations of focus.
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Engaging Families and Providers When Aligning Early Childhood and Medicaid Systems: State Lessons
Outlines four key strategies to engage families and providers in co-creating cross-sector alignment solutions.
Involving Young Adults in Pediatric Transformation: Reflections from Youth Advocate Sneha Dave
Generation Patient founder and executive director Sneha Dave shares her perspectives for empowering youth voices to support child health care transformation.
How States and Health Plans Can Meaningfully Engage Dually Eligible Individuals in Plan Governance
Explores the central questions states and health plans should consider when seeking to meet the new beneficiary engagement requirements proposed by CMS.
The Critical Role of Dads: Exploring the Benefits of Father-Friendly Pediatric Care
Explores strategies for pediatric practices to incorporate fathers’ experiences and voices into pediatric care.
The Impact of Youth Voices in Transforming Pediatric Care
Spotlights opportunities for the pediatric field to invite youth perspectives to inform practice transformation efforts to better serve patients and families.
Center for the Urban Child and Healthy Family at Boston Medical Center: A New Pediatric Care Model to Help Children and Families Thrive
Describes the Center for the Urban Child and Healthy Family at Boston Medical Center’s Pediatric Practice of the Future, which provides integrated physical and behavioral health care and supports health-related social needs and social-emotional health of children and families.
Engaging People with Disabilities in Health Care: Lessons from the Massachusetts One Care Program
Features a conversation with Dennis Heaphy, MPH, MEd, MDiv, on impact of engaging members with disabilities in care planning and strategies that health systems and payers can use to advance health equity.
Engaging Families in Program and Policy Development to Ensure Equitable Health Outcomes for Children
Explores seven key considerations for health care organizations, Medicaid programs, and advocacy organizations to facilitate family engagement in program and policy design and implementation.
Engaging Families in Program and Policy Development to Advance Health Equity
Examines the impetus for and goals of the Center for Family Voice and explores key findings from an extensive environmental scan throughout Ohio and nationally on best practices for authentically engaging with families in public services delivery to inform state and local programs, practices, and policy development.
Meaningful Engagement in Medicaid: Strategies for Partnering with Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs and Their Families
Explores opportunities to strengthen engagement strategies discovered through CHCS’ research, areas of investment, and recommendations for effective engagement with children/youth with special health needs.
Engaging Youth with Special Health Care Needs and Families of Children with Special Health Care Needs: Recommendations for Medicaid Agencies
Highlights key findings from survey and interviews, including recommendations for Medicaid agencies, youth with special health care needs, families, and funders to strengthen engagement that can have lasting impact on outcomes, quality, equity, and cost.
Building Effective Health System-Community Partnerships: Lessons from the Field
Shares considerations for health care organizations and government entities seeking to build effective partnerships with the individuals and communities they serve to better address their health and social needs.