There are critical opportunities for child health care providers to intentionally undo harmful biases and dismantle racism at the individual, organizational, and system levels by establishing anti-racist policies and practices that promote equity and dignity for patients, families, and staff.
Following are resources that can support pediatric providers in adopting policies and practices that are anti-racist.
Adopting Anti-Racist Practices to Promote Health Equity in Pediatric Care
Practical strategies that pediatric practices can adopt to provide care that is high-quality, inclusive, equitable, and delivered with dignity.
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Transforming Systems to Realize Equitable Health and Well-Being for Black and Latino Families
Discusses the framework and lessons from the Healthy and Equitable Futures initiative, which focused on advancing family leadership, delivering social-emotional supports and services, and building representative and inclusive systems.
As Chilling Effects of the Public Charge Rule Linger, How Can Health Systems Support Immigrant Families and Increase Their Access to Essential Services?
Discusses health system solutions to increase immigrant use of social support services.
Launching Lifelong Health by Improving Health Care for Children Youth, and Families
Identifies transformative policies, practices, and norms that can help tackle disparities and inequities in the child healthcare system. The report highlights innovative mechanisms and levers that can help improve child and adolescent health.
Guidance on Conversations About Race and Racism in Pediatric Clinical Settings
Provices guidance for discussing race and racism in pediatric clinical settings from pediatric clinicians, psychologists, parents, and adolescents with expertise in racism and child health through scholarship or lived experience.
An Anti-Racist Framework for Reimagining Medicaid, CHIP, TANF, & CCDF
Offers an anti-racist framework for reimagining Medicaid, CHIP, TANF, & CCDF.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Child Health, and the Pediatric Subspecialty Workforce
Discusses health inequities and diversity within the pediatric subspeciality workforce and suggests challenges and opportunities for current diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives in pediatrics.
Adopting Anti-Racist Practices to Promote Health Equity in Pediatric Care
Offers practical strategies that pediatric practices can adopt to provide care that is high-quality, inclusive, equitable, and delivered with dignity.
Shared Decision-Making and Racial or Ethnic Concordance Reduces Health Expenditures
Explores the effects of shared decision making and racial/ethnic concordance on health care disparities and cost of care.
Latest Race and Ethnicity Data for Pediatricians and Pediatric Trainees
Showcases race and ethnicity data collected from over 67,000 certified pediatricians and pediatric trainees.
Translation and Interpretation: What Is the Difference?
Explains the difference between translation and interpretation, and discusses the types of medical interpretation service families and clinicians can use to ensure equitable language access in the health care setting.
Supporting Providers of Color in the Pediatric Workforce: Practices to Diversify the Workforce and Improve Retention
Explores anti-racist simulation training programs and trauma-informed care curriculum for pediatric staff and residents as well as reflective supervision to improve retention rates in family navigators.
Tools for Hiring & Recruiting
Explores suggestions for making the recruitment and hiring process less impacted by bias.