Widespread adoption of the three key strategies — adopting anti-racist policies and practices; co-creating equitable partnership between patients, families, and providers; and identifying family strengths and addressing health-related social needs — within the pediatric health care requires new accountability and financing structures to support enhanced approaches to care.
Following are resources that offer opportunities to use financing and accountability levers to create and sustain child health care transformation.
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Advancing the Key Elements of Whole Child Health: Oregon Case Study
Discusses how Oregon has advanced whole child health by implementing financing reforms that incentivize optimal health and quality; supporting a diverse, multi-disciplinary workforce; incentivizing cross-sector data partnerships; and promoting health equity.
State Best Practices to Improve Pay for Direct Care Workers & Help Solve the HCBS Workforce Crisis
Highlights state best practices to improve wages for direct care workers in Medicaid-funded HCBS programs.
Launching Lifelong Health by Improving Health Care for Children Youth, and Families
Identifies transformative policies, practices, and norms that can help tackle disparities and inequities in the child healthcare system. The report highlights innovative mechanisms and levers that can help improve child and adolescent health.
Financing Policy Considerations from Texas to Optimize Care for Children with Medical Complexity
Describes Texas' exploration to test care delivery and payment strategies to improve quality of life and family well-being for children with medical complexity.
Developing Financially Sustainable Child Health Transformation: Lessons from Primary Care Innovators
Describes existing payment barriers and opportunities for primary care providers serving children to work toward financially sustaining care transformation.
Medicaid and Racial Health Equity
Offers a primer on Medicaid levers to advance racial health equity.
Testing One, Two, Three: CMS’ New Demonstration Opportunity to Address Health-Related Social Needs
Summarizes key takeaways from 2022 waiver approvals and CMS guidance as states increasingly leverage 1115 waivers to address HRSN in Medicaid.
Capturing Patient and Staff Experiences to Assess Complex Care Program Effectiveness
Spotlights insights from health care providers on developed patient- and staff-reported measures to help assess the experience and perceptions of well-being, equity, care, and care integration for those with complex health and social needs.
Financing Strategies to Address the Social Determinants of Health in Medicaid
Offers an overview of financing levers for Medicaid to address social determines of health.
Medicaid Coverage of Community Health Worker Services
Provides an overview of Medicaid levers for covering community health worker services.
Improving The Measurement of Structural Racism to Achieve Antiracist Health Policy
Highlights key research areas as well as qualitative and quantitative methodologies to capture the multifaceted and systemic properties of structural racism in health care.
Advancing Health Equity through APMs: Guidance for Equity-Centered Design and Implementation
Offers practical guidance to payers, providers, and other stakeholders on how they can leverage VBP to advance health equity and better address community needs.