Gov. Murphy’s Road Back identifies six principles to put the state on the road to recovery from COVID-19. This roadmap is vital, as are the Restart Commission and the Restart and Recovery Advisory Council — both convened by the governor to support long-term recovery of our economy and public life. It is designed to ensure that the sacrifices made by so many New Jerseyans are not for naught. For some New Jerseyans, however, this moment provides an opportunity to address the disproportionate effects of COVID-19 on their communities, and to make sure we don’t increase these disparities in the months ahead.

The governor, first lady, and lieutenant governor have worked to support a robust agenda of equity and inclusion and now have the opportunity to pave a road forward to address years of inequity and underinvestment in certain communities. As the Murphy administration works to define the milestones along the “road back,” we propose that each principle incorporate a “go forward” approach that ensures we don’t leave behind the communities already hit hardest by this pandemic.

In this NJ Spotlight op-ed, Allison Hamblin, chief executive officer and president of the Center for Health Care Strategies and Kathleen Noonan, chief executive officer of the Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers propose how New Jersey’s Road Back plan can address health equity issues amid COVID-19 and beyond. Although these recommendations are based on New Jersey’s plan, they can help inform other states in developing transition plans.

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