Adults with Complex Health & Social Needs
Ensuring that individuals with complex needs have access to integrated physical health, behavioral health, and social services and supports.
Aging & Disability
Working with states and health plans to enhance services for older adults and people with disabilities, while also enhancing supports for their caregivers.
Child & Family Health
Engaging health care stakeholders to advance quality, cost-effective care for high-risk children and youth, especially those with serious behavioral health needs.
Community & Family Engagement
Helping to identify and spread best practices that engage communities and build meaningful partnerships between health care systems and the community.
Cross-Sector Partnership
Facilitating partnerships across sectors aimed at fostering alignment of common goals, supporting data-sharing, and cultivating cross-sector leadership.
Delivery System & Payment Reform
Helping to design and implement comprehensive, multi-payer delivery system and payment reforms that reward quality and advance cost-effective care.
Health Equity
Working with partners across sectors to confront factors that create barriers to health and promote equitable care and outcomes for all.
Leadership & Capacity Building
Ensuring that Medicaid and other health care leaders have the skills and expertise necessary to effectively manage their state programs and advance Medicaid as a model for high-quality, cost-effective care.
Population Health & Prevention
Working with federal and state agencies to advance the use of evidence-based preventive practices to improve health outcomes and reduce avoidable costs.
Trauma-Informed Care
Identifying how trauma-informed approaches can be practically implemented across the health care sector.