Summer is here again! And like many of us, this is when you have some time to catch up on the exciting new innovations that are helping to advance high-quality, cost-effective health care.
Here is a list of popular CHCS publications from the past six months that are worth adding to your beach bag:
Recommended Briefs
Moving Toward Value-Based Payment for Medicaid Behavioral Health Services – Describes how states and their Medicaid managed care organizations are incorporating value-based payment arrangements into behavioral health programs.
Measuring Social Determinants of Health among Medicaid Beneficiaries: Early State Lessons – Explores strategies that states are using to capture social determinants of health information for Medicaid beneficiaries.
Using a Cost and Utilization Lens to Evaluate Programs Serving Complex Populations: Benefits and Limitations – Takes a close look at the limitations of relying solely on using cost and utilization to evaluate complex care programs.
Disruptive Innovation in Medicaid Non-Emergency Transportation – Outlines the current state of Medicaid non-emergency medical transportation services, its challenges, and opportunities for improvement.
A Framework for Addressing Social Determinants of Oral Health in the Community – Describes a framework for assessing and creating community partnerships to improve social determinants related to oral health.
Integrating Community Health Workers into Complex Care Teams: Key Considerations – Examines effective strategies and best-practices for including community health workers in complex care teams.
Providing Value-Added Services for Medicare-Medicaid Enrollees: Considerations for Integrated Health Plans – Explores how some Medicare-Medicaid integrated health plans are finding added-value in covering services that address the social determinants of health.
Strategies for Encouraging Staff Wellness in Trauma-Informed Organizations – Outlines the impact of chronic work-related stress on clinical and non-clinical staff and features two organizations that prioritize staff wellness.
Recommended Blog Posts
Children’s Behavioral Health Care Use in Medicaid: Data Update – Offers a preview of CHCS’ upcoming analysis of Medicaid claims data for children using behavioral health services.
Reviewing Medicaid ACO Progress in Leading-Edge States – Shares key priorities from three state Medicaid ACO programs that are building on initial successes to further refine their programs.
Accountable Communities for Health: Multi-Sector Community Partnerships in Action – Explores early efforts by states to test Accountable Communities for Health — a new population-based care delivery model that may help close geographic and socioeconomic disparities in health outcomes.
Preventing Early Childhood Adversity Before It Starts: Maximizing Medicaid Opportunities – Discusses the potential role that Medicaid can play in supporting high-risk, low-income families and introduces CHCS’ Medicaid Early Childhood Innovation Lab.