Summer is here! And if you’re like many of us, this is when you have some time to catch up on all of the exciting new innovations that are helping to advance health care delivery in the United States.
Here are 10 CHCS publications that are worth adding to your summer reading list:
Recommended Briefs
Integrating Behavioral Health into Medicaid Managed Care: Lessons from State Innovators – Provides insights from five states that are integrating behavioral health services within a Medicaid managed care arrangement.
Key Ingredients for Trauma-Informed Care Implementation – Shares a practical implementation framework and policy considerations for adopting trauma-informed approaches to care in health care settings.
ACAP Medicare-Medicaid Plans and the Financial Alignment Demonstrations – Examines the experiences of 14 ACAP plans to identify innovations made possible through the CMS Financial Alignment Demonstration.
Opportunities to Improve Models of Care for People with Complex Needs – Explores emerging evidence on what works to drive better health outcomes and reduce costs for individuals with complex needs.
Using Medicaid Resources to Pay for Health-Related Supportive Services: Early Lessons – Examines how five states are using Medicaid funding for supportive services as part of broader delivery system and payment reform efforts.
Housing Options for High-Need Dually Eligible Individuals: Health Plan of San Mateo Pilot – Describes an innovative pilot program that is helping dually eligible individuals in nursing facilities transition back to community living.
Investing in People to Build State Medicaid Capacity – Highlights unique professional development efforts in California and New Jersey that could help inform capacity-building efforts in other states.
Recommended Blogs
Community Care Teams: Addressing Unmet Social Needs – Profiles three statewide initiatives that are beginning to show improvements in health outcomes after launching community care teams.
The Thrust to Integrate Behavioral Health Services in Medicaid – Highlights how policymakers are increasingly focused on better care coordination for those with behavioral health issues.
Making the Case for Continued Innovation in Care Delivery for Dually Eligible Beneficiaries – Explores strategies states are using to share early program results with the goal of building stakeholder support and, ultimately, increasing program enrollment.