People who are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid typically have complex health and social needs, but often experience uncoordinated care and poor health outcomes due to fragmented service delivery across Medicare and Medicaid. Although better integration between Medicare and Medicaid can improve care, only about 10 percent of the 12 million people who are dual eligible receive services through state integrated care programs.
Advancing Medicare & Medicaid Integration, a national initiative supported by Arnold Ventures, is seeking to support states ready to make meaningful transformations in care delivery for individuals eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. The initiative will work with states to:
- Improve integration between Medicare and Medicaid through existing or new models;
- Increase access to and enrollment in integrated care models by dual-eligible populations; and
- Ensure that dual-eligible individuals receive services that lead to better patient experiences, higher quality of care, and reduced health care costs.
The Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) serves as the National Program Coordination Office for the initiative, providing no-cost assistance to states interested in applying, which includes help with refining project concepts and design.
States, or their technical assistance partners, can propose a range of projects of up to 36 months in duration to achieve these objectives. States may propose projects that make a single large-scale shift in care delivery or several smaller-scale changes that represent a significant advancement in the degree of integration achieved or in the size of integrated care enrollment. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
Visit the Advancing Medicare & Medicaid Integration website to learn more about the initiative, current projects, and the application process.