On April 5, 2012, Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius convened her first meeting as Chair of the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH). Three national thought leaders, including CHCS President Stephen A. Somers, PhD, were invited to present recommendations and submit a brief on multi-sector approaches to prevent chronic homelessness.
In his remarks and the prepared CHCS brief, Dr. Somers outlined opportunities to link intensive Medicaid care management with supportive housing for childless adults with chronic health needs with the goal of reducing the cycle of chronic homelessness. Through health reform, by 2014 virtually all of the roughly 1.2 million single adults experiencing homelessness nationally will be eligible for Medicaid coverage. Many individuals within this population have complex health needs. Two promising options for states to provide care for this population are: coordinated care for people with multiple chronic conditions (health homes) and managed care.
View other materials from the USICH April 5 meeting at Chronic Homelessness In Focus.