Community health workers and promotores (CHW/Ps) are trusted community members who serve as a link between health and social services and the community. They work to improve health care access and quality, and build individual and community capacity and health knowledge. Expanding this workforce can improve health outcomes for individuals across the country and support health equity for underserved communities.

Medicaid managed care plans can play a key role in advancing this highly effective workforce by integrating CHW/Ps into programs and services. Advancing California’s Community Health Worker & Promotor Workforce in Medi-Cal is an online Resource Center that offers information and tools designed to support managed care plans and their partners in implementing effective, evidence-based CHW/P programs.

The Resource Center and accompanying Guide, authored by the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS), were informed by an extensive stakeholder engagement process that identified best practices for establishing CHW/P programs. The resources are products of Community Health Workers & Promotores in the Future of Medi-Cal, a project designed by the California Health Care Foundation with contributions from CHCS along with In-Sight Associates and Health Management Associates. While the Resource Center is oriented to the California landscape, lessons can inform managed care programs in other states seeking to better integrate this highly effective workforce and advance health equity.