Through collaboration, Medicaid agencies can leverage the public health sector’s health-promotion infrastructure to advance more effective interventions with low-income populations. In turn, public health leaders can benefit from Medicaid insights into the needs of beneficiaries.

This section includes resources to help organizations get started in designing collaborative approaches to reducing childhood obesity among low-income populations, including examples of joint efforts.

Innovations in Childhood Obesity State Profiles (November 2017) – This series of profiles details how five states pursued collaborative, cross-sector interventions to reduce the prevalence of childhood obesity in their communities.

Innovations in Childhood Obesity Work Plan (2015) – This work plan template provides step-by-step guidance to help state teams design and pursue interventions to achieve their goals. It outlines objectives, metrics, due dates, and responsible parties.

Innovations in Childhood Obesity Team Meeting Agenda and Meeting Minutes (2016) – These materials from the Innovations in Childhood Obesity Maryland team include: (a) an in-person meeting agenda; and (b) a work plan outlining meeting minutes, action steps, responsible parties, and due dates for intervention goals.

An Integrated Framework for the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity and Its Related Chronic Diseases (September 2015) – This Health Affairs article offers an innovative framework for integrating clinical and community systems to address chronic diseases.

Oregon’s Multi-Sector Interventions for Obesity (October 2017) – Oregon recently released a list of multi-sector interventions aimed at reducing childhood obesity that are supported by evidence. This report gives Coordinated Care Organizations options in which to invest in to improve obesity rates.

Impact of Let’s Go! 5-2-1-0: A Community-based, Multi-setting Childhood Obesity Prevention Program (August 2013) – This article describes the impact of a multi-setting, community-based childhood obesity prevention program in 12 communities in Maine.

Missouri’s Actions for Addressing Childhood Obesity (April 2015) – This report from the Missouri Children’s Services Commission Subcommittee on Childhood Obesity reviews the issue of childhood obesity and compiles recommendations for a comprehensive response. It also summarizes Missouri’s efforts around collaboration with early child care centers, schools, and communities.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration Project (CORD) (March 2017) – This initiative works to improve the nutrition and physical activity behaviors of low-income children who are struggling with being overweight or obese. The collaborative models link public health and primary care efforts community-wide — including universities, providers, schools, and other community-based organizations. The second phase of this effort supports state and community partners, such as Medicaid, to better reach low-income families and identify payment models that improve care and reduce costs. A collection of articles on the CORD project can be found here.