Many state Medicaid programs are pursuing the new state plan option to create health homes for eligible beneficiaries. Some states are developing health homes within a managed care model, with varying roles for health plans in the management and delivery of health home services.
This resource provides guidance on considerations related to National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) health plan accreditation, particularly when non-health plan entities are designated as health home providers and health home services are provided outside of the health plans. NCQA reviewed and confirmed the considerations outlined in this document.
This resource was developed by the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) for the Health Home Information Resource Center, made possible by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. The Health Home Information Resource Center helps states develop health home models of care for high-need, high-cost Medicaid beneficiaries. Technical assistance is coordinated by Mathematica Policy Research and CHCS.