States participating in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s 6|18 Initiative are bringing together Medicaid and public health agency partners to adopt evidence-based prevention strategies for Medicaid populations in six high-opportunity areas: asthma control, tobacco cessation, unintended pregnancy prevention, preventing diabetes, preventing healthcare associated infections, and controlling high blood pressure.
This webinar, made possible by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, informs the 6|18 Initiative’s cross-agency teams about opportunities to evaluate the impact of 6|18 interventions. It provides a high-level overview of relevant Medicaid quality measurement efforts, discusses potential indicators that teams can use to monitor their progress and achievements, and describes examples of measures and outcomes from Round-1 6|18 states involved in the Initiative.
I. Introductions
Speaker: Shilpa Patel, Senior Program Officer, Center for Health Care Strategies
S. Patel welcomed participants and introduced speakers.
II. CDC 6|18 Assessment Framework and Progress Measures
Speakers: Naomi Chen-Bowers and Yessica Gomez, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
N. Chen-Bowers provided an overview of the CDC Assessment Framework, including the theory of change and suggested indicator tables. CDC Office on Smoking and Health Evaluator, Ms. Gomez, provided condition-specific guidance.
III. Quality Measurement in Medicaid and CHIP: Opportunities for Alignment with 6|18 Activities
Speaker: Deirdra Stockmann, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
D. Hartman provided specific examples of available technical assistance related to data and measurement that states have used and are available to 6|18 states.
IV. Technical Assistance and Measurement Examples
Speaker: Lacey Hartman, SHADAC
L. Hartman provided specific examples of available technical assistance related to data and measurement that states have used and are available to 6|18 states.
VI. Moderated Q&A
Speaker: Shilpa Patel
Attendees had the opportunity to ask the speakers questions about assessment of 6|18 interventions, share their own current efforts in this area, and discuss related activities.