Mobile response and stabilization services can play a key role in preventing emergency room use, psychiatric hospitalization, residential treatment, and placement disruptions among children and youth who are experiencing a behavioral health crisis.
This webinar — the first in the CHIPRA CME Collaborative’s second series of webinars–featured new, innovative models of mobile response and stabilization that include home- and community-based stabilization and case management services in addition to on-site face-to-face therapeutic response; assessment; crisis intervention and stabilization; psychiatric consultation; psychopharmacology; and referrals and linkages with other services and supports. Speakers described: 1) the role that mobile response and stabilization services play in supporting CMEs to keep children and youth in their homes and communities; 2) staffing and funding strategies (including the role of Medicaid); and 3) the delivery of services in diverse geographical locations including densely populated urban areas and rural regions.