Family caregivers represent an overlooked — but vital — source of care and support for older adults. Approximately 40 million Americans provide unpaid care to an adult aged 50 and older. However, there is significant personal and economic toll on family caregivers. This infographic illustrates the issue and outlines how states can enact policies to increase support for family caregivers. This infographic was produced through the Helping States Support Families Caring for an Aging America, a national collaborative led by the Center for Health Care Strategies with funding from The John A. Hartford Foundation, Milbank Memorial Fund, the May & Stanley Smith Charitable Trust, and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. See also the companion fact sheet, Supporting the Critical Role of Family Caregivers: State Opportunities.


S. Reinhard, L. Feinberg, R. Choula, and A. Houser. Valuing the Invaluable: 2015 Update. AARP Public Policy Institute, July 2015. Available at:
AARP Research. Primary Care Providers’ Experiences with Family Caregivers. February 2019. Available at:
“Embracing The Role Of Family Caregivers In The U.S. Health System, ” Health Affairs Blog, September 8, 2016. Available at:
National Alliance for Caregiving (NAC) and AARP Public Policy Institute. “Caregiving in the U.S.” June 2015. Available at:
The MetLife Mature Market Institute. The MetLife Study of Caregiving Costs to Working Caregivers: Double Jeopardy for Baby Boomers Caring for Their Parents. June 2011. Available at:
National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP. “Caregiving in the US 2020.” Available at: HTTPS://WWW.CAREGIVING.ORG/WP-CONTENT/UPLOADS/2020/06/AARP1316_RPT_CAREGIVINGINTHEUS_WEB.PDF.