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The Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) model has grown rapidly over the last five years, as states have used this approach to both increase access to mental health and substance use services as well as strengthen workforce capacity to deliver these services. States have implemented the model through federal Medicaid-funded demonstrations and independently, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will soon announce additional demonstration state planning grants — creating further opportunity to expand CCBHCs. The demonstration brings time-limited enhanced federal funding, and states are exploring different pathways to financially sustain CCBHCs when this funding expires. Many states are also looking to implement statewide CCBHC models outside of the demonstration and its enhanced federal funding.

This webinar, cohosted by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing and the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS), will explore how states can lay the groundwork for CCBHC sustainability. CHCS will highlight recent research findings on what prior Medicaid programs with temporary enhanced federal funding can teach states and other stakeholders about strategies to sustain CCBHCs. State leaders from Kansas and Missouri will share first-hand insights on designing effective strategies to build and maintain CCBHC programs, representing both demonstration and independent implementation. 


I. Welcome and Introduction

Speaker: Logan Kelly, MPH, Senior Program Officer, CHCS; Joe Parks, MD, Medical Director, National Council for Mental Wellbeing

L. Kelly will welcome participants and J. Parks will provide an overview of the key features of the CCBHC model as well as the landscape of state policies to support CCBHC expansion.

II. Lessons for CCBHC Sustainability from Health Homes and the Primary Care Fee Bump

Speaker: L. Kelly, CHCS

L. Kelly will share recent research on lessons from other programs with temporary enhanced federal funding and outline considerations for CCBHC sustainability.

III. Spotlight on Missouri and Kansas Experiences in Building and Sustaining CCBHC Programs

Speakers: Valerie Huhn, MPA, Director for the Department of Mental Health, Missouri; Sarah Fertig, JD, Medicaid Director, Kansas

V. Huhn and S. Fertig will describe how Missouri and Kansas have developed and implemented statewide CCBHC programs, highlighting how CCBHC models have been designed to respond to state priorities and what infrastructure and relationships can support long-term sustainability.

IV. Moderated Q&A 

Moderator: L. Kelly, CHCS