This resource summarizes information gathered from the Health Homes Pace Car Rapid Learning Network, a call series for a small group of Medicaid programs leading the way in health home program development and implementation. The June 12, 2012 call was designed to provide states with an opportunity to discuss “top of mind” issues around health homes design and implementation and solicit information from their peers related to current implementation challenges. There was a rich discussion around: (1) sharing clinical data with health home providers; (2) hospital referral of health home-eligible patients; and (3) payment requirements and service documentation.
This resource was developed by the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) for the Health Home Information Resource Center, made possible by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. The Health Home Information Resource Center helps states develop health home models of care for high-need, high-cost Medicaid beneficiaries. Technical assistance is coordinated by Mathematica Policy Research and CHCS.