Health care professionals increasingly recognize the detrimental impact of trauma on patients’ lives and health outcomes. As a result, there is burgeoning interest in the use of evidence-based trauma treatments and the delivery of trauma-informed care. Five leading complex care organizations across the country recently sought to train their staff in a variety of evidence-based trauma treatment approaches: Seeking Safety; Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing; and Attachment, Regulation, and Competency.

This technical assistance brief draws from the experiences of these five sites — all participants in CHCS’ Complex Care Innovation Lab — to outline considerations for training and implementation of these models in health care settings. The experiences of these five complex care programs can inform the efforts of other provider organizations seeking to adopt an evidence-based approach to trauma treatment.

Learn more about Implementing Trauma-Informed Care

tic-topic-pageThe brief is a joint product of two national CHCS initiatives, the Complex Care Innovation Lab and Advancing Trauma-Informed Care, made possible by Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Visit CHCS’ Trauma-Informed Care topic page to learn more about practical strategies for implementing trauma-informed approaches across the health care sector.