In 2019, CHCS released an array of publications focused on improving health outcomes for low-income Americans. Take a look at some of our most popular resources from the past year. We’re excited to see what the new decade has in store for advancing health care delivery system innovations!
- Opportunities for Complex Care Programs to Address the Social Determinants of Health – Brief explores opportunities to better address patients’ non-medical needs, including identifying unmet social issues, employing non-traditional workers, and partnering with community-based organizations.
- Addressing Social Determinants of Health via Medicaid Managed Care Contracts and Section 1115 Demonstrations – Report examines Medicaid managed care contracts and §1115 demonstrations to identify common themes for incentivizing activities to address social determinants of health.
- Strengthening Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports in an Evolving Policy Environment: A Toolkit for States – Updated toolkit draws on the experience of leading-edge states to share innovative Medicaid long-term services and supports (LTSS) reform strategies focused on rebalancing LTSS and integrating care.
- Blueprint for Complex Care: 11 Opportunities to Strengthen the Field – Infographic highlights recommendations for advancing the field of complex care, informed by the Blueprint for Complex Care.
- It’s Not Just Risk: Why the Shift to Value-Based Payment is also about Provider Flexibility – Blog post describes the value of emerging alternative payment models that offer increased flexibility for providers to focus on improving outcomes and controlling costs.
- Addressing Medication Complexity Through Community-Based Strategies – Infographic describes how community-based interventions can help address medication complexity, especially for people with complex health and social needs.
- Advancing Primary Care Innovation in Medicaid Managed Care: A Toolkit for States – Toolkit, informed by leading states, details strategies for supporting primary care innovation through managed care organization contract and procurement language.
- Screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma – Resource provides guidelines for health care providers to consider when screening patients for adverse childhood experiences and trauma.
- Advancing Health Equity in Medicaid: Emerging Value-Based Payment Innovations – Blog post outlines how states are using innovative Medicaid payment reforms to promote health equity and improve health outcomes.
- Exploring the Impact of Integrated Medicaid Managed Care on Practice-Level Integration of Physical and Behavioral Health – Brief describes how integrated financing influences the coordination of physical and behavioral health services at the point of care and examines key levers for promoting integrated care.
Most Popular Video
Check out CHCS’ most watched video of 2019. What Is Trauma-Informed Care? was viewed nearly 25,000 times in the past year, including by many organizations that have adopted it as a training tool. It is also available with Spanish subtitles.