In 2023, CHCS published numerous practical resources outlining opportunities to strengthen the U.S. health care system, particularly for people covered by Medicaid. Check out some of our most popular releases from the past year:
- Financing Approaches to Address Social Determinants of Health via Medicaid Managed Care: A 12‑State Review – This report outlines trends across states for financing health-related social needs (HRSN) activities. See also a webinar that explored CMS guidance to help states expand efforts to address HRSN, featuring Aditi Mallick, MD, chief medical officer, Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services.
- Incorporating Community-Based Organizations in Medicaid Efforts to Address Health-Related Social Needs: Key State Considerations – Drawing from leading-edge state Medicaid programs, this report explores innovative strategies to help guide successful partnerships between community-based organizations and health care organizations.
- Engaging Community Members: A Guide to Equitable Compensation – This brief offers guidance to help health care organizations develop appropriate compensation practices for community members who provide lived expertise to inform policy and program design.
- Beyond a Seat at the Table: Design Considerations for Effective Medicaid Community Advisory Committees – This blog post explores considerations for designing community advisory committees that meaningfully involve community members in policy and program design and implementation.
- Child Health Transformation Resource Center – This resource center shares tools for child health care stakeholders seeking to transform pediatric care by: (1) adopting anti-racist practices; (2) co-creating equitable partnerships; and (3) Identifying family strengths and addressing HRSN.
- Expanding the Menu: Opportunities for Medicaid to Better Address Food Insecurity – This brief outlines opportunities for Medicaid agencies to address food insecurity, including: (1) covering HRSN services; (2) investing in food security infrastructure; (3) incorporating an equity lens into screening; and (4) streamlining benefits and enrollment.
- Leveraging Primary Care Population-Based Payments in Medicaid to Advance Health Equity – This blog post shares considerations for states implementing Medicaid primary care population-based payment models to ensure that providers have the right incentives to work toward more equitable care delivery.
- Meeting the Health and Social Needs of LGBTQ+ Older Adults Through Medicaid – This brief highlights insights about the unique health and related social needs of LGBTQ+ older adults and details opportunities for using Medicaid to improve health and social care for this community.
- Planning for Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Program Sustainability: Lessons from State Medicaid Leaders – This brief explores how two programs providing temporary enhanced federal funding — the ACA Primary Care Fee Bump and Medicaid Health Homes — offer lessons for how states can plan for the sustainability of Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics.
- Maintaining Momentum to Advance Health Equity in Adverse Environments – This brief outlines strategies that state policymakers and health equity champions can use to advance health equity planning and implementation efforts, despite restrictive environments and other obstacles.
Top CHCS Webinars
Equitably Identifying Individuals for Care Management: Strategies for CalAIM and Beyond – Explored how California’s managed care plans, as well as other stakeholders nationally, can ensure that eligibility and identification strategies for care management services for people with complex health and social needs can prioritize equity and maximize impact.
CMS Opens Door for Pre-Release Services for Justice-Involved Populations: Health Care and Justice System Implications – Highlighted opportunities through CMS to improve access to care and services for people returning to the community from jails and prisons, including impacts to both Medicaid and criminal-legal systems.
Gun Violence Prevention and Medicaid: State of the Field – Brought together clinicians, practitioners, and community leaders to discuss how integrating gun violence prevention and Medicaid can create better outcomes for patients, savings for payers and systems, and safer communities.
Most Listened to Podcast Episode
How Do Members Experience Medicaid? – Discussed the importance of member advisory councils, and how implementing these groups can help programs streamline operations, foster equity, and promote perspectives that can improve Medicaid for community members.
Top Resource on the Better Care Playbook
Community Health Worker Programs Collection – Curates evidence supporting community health worker programs as well as practical strategies to support effective implementation of these programs. Programs featured focus on improving care for a range of populations with complex health and social needs.