Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), including exposure to violence, separation of family members, and homelessness, among other traumatic events, often lead to long-term negative impacts on physical and mental health. In New Jersey, more than 40 percent of children have experienced at least one ACE, and 18 percent have experienced at least two. The challenge of preventing ACEs requires strong partnerships across sectors, state agencies, community members, and non-profit organizations.
The Center for Health Care Strategies, in partnership with the New Jersey Department of Children and Families, is one of six participants in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences: Data to Action. This work builds on statewide efforts to systematically address ACEs in New Jersey through the development of the New Jersey Office of Resilience and implementation of the NJ ACEs Statewide Action Plan. Under the two-year initiative, New Jersey is seeking to prevent adverse childhood experiences across the state by:
- Developing a statewide data surveillance system to collect, measure, and analyze ACEs data;
- Implementing ACEs primary prevention strategies; and
- Using data to inform ACEs prevention strategy implementation.
To meet these goals, CHCS will work with New Jersey stakeholders to:
- Provide shared trauma and ACEs specific trainings for home visitors statewide to ensure a strong start for children through evidence-based home visiting programs; and
- Develop a public awareness and education campaign to promote prevention of violence and adversity, with a focus on men and boys as allies, that builds on New Jersey’s Actions 4 ACEs.
Project Partners
Preventing ACEs Across New Jersey: Data to Action includes state agency partners and New Jersey regional health hubs, including:
- New Jersey Office of Resilience
- New Jersey Department of Children and Families
- New Jersey Department of Education
- New Jersey Department of Health
- New Jersey Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services
- Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers
- Greater Newark Health Care Coalition
- Trenton Health Team
- Health Coalition of Passaic County
- Prevent Child Abuse NJ (training partner)
- Rutgers Center for State Health Policy (evaluation partner)