As part of California’s Master Plan for Aging, the state is seeking to better integrate care across institutional settings and home- and community-based services (HCBS) for older adults and people with disabilities, as well as ensure that long-term services and supports (LTSS) are delivered more consistently and equitably throughout the state.
The Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) is part of a team led by Mathematica to identify gaps in access to HCBS in California and determine strategies for expanding both Medi-Cal (Medicaid) and non-Medi-Cal-covered HCBS services. Jointly funded by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) and the California Department of Aging, the statewide analysis will identify critical gaps in the HCBS delivery system based on current service availability and use, as well as challenges with accessing and providing HCBS. The gap analysis will inform the development of a multi-year roadmap that will guide California’s transition to fully integrated managed LTSS by 2027.
To promote transparency and provide opportunities for input at every stage, CHCS is leading stakeholder engagement to inform the gap analyses and shape the multi-year roadmap. Example engagement activities include:
- Obtaining input on gap analysis design and approaches through interviews, focus groups, and listening sessions with community members, caregivers, and providers.
- Gathering input on the gap analysis findings through large- and small-group presentations with a wide range of diverse stakeholders, including community members, caregivers, providers, health plans, and subject matter experts, among others.
- Providing transparency on roadmap progress and recommendations through ongoing presentations, public comment opportunities, and website updates.
CHCS will also support the development of interim and final reports for the gap analysis and the multi-year roadmap, which will be published publicly by the state of California.