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Sobering centers and day habilitation programs can improve care for individuals enrolled in Medicaid, including people experiencing homelessness. Sobering centers provide a safe, alternative destination for individuals who are found to be publicly intoxicated and would otherwise be transported to the emergency department or jail. Day habilitation programs focus on building the skills necessary for community participation, developing and maintaining interpersonal relationships, and supporting daily living skills. Although these services are not formal Medicaid benefits, California included these services as two of 14 optional Community Supports under its CalAIM initiative to transform Medicaid services.

This webinar featured one sobering center and one day habilitation provider in Orange County, California, and their partnerships with the local Medicaid managed care plan to expand services to Medi-Cal members. Panelists explored how they built their partnerships, and increased access to these services. Lessons included building trust, developing payment models, and getting leadership buy-in.

See also sobering center and day habilitation fact sheets that share key takeaways from the webinar.

CalAIM Community Supports Early Adopters Webinar Series

This webinar is part of the CalAIM Community Supports Early Adopters Series, made possible by the California Health Care Foundation (CHCF). Community Supports, a foundational feature of CalAIM, include optional managed care services (or in lieu of services) that address health-related social needs. The series spotlights early adopters of less commonly offered Community Supports to help increase uptake of these critical services.


I. Welcome and Introduction

Speakers: Diana Crumley, JD, MPAff, Associate Director, Center for Health Care Strategies and Melora Simon, MPH, Associate Director, People-Centered Care, California Health Care Foundation (CHCF)

D. Crumley and M. Simon provided opening remarks.

II. CalOptima Health’s Approach to Sobering Centers and Day Habilitation

Speaker: Mia Arias, MPA, Director, Medi-Cal/CalAIM, CalOptima Health

M. Arias discussed CalOptima Health’s approach to Community Supports, and why her plan opted to provide sobering centers and day habilitation.

II. BeWell and Sobering Centers

Speakers: Nicole Ramirez, MBA, MA, Director of Quality Improvement, BeWell; Mariana Torres, MSW, LCSW, Senior Program Officer, People-Centered Care, CHCF; M. Arias, CalOptima Health; and M. Simon, CHCF

N. Ramirez provided an introduction to sobering centers, and M. Torres and M. Simon co-moderated a Q&A discussion to explore how BeWell has built a partnership with CalOptima Health.

III. Chrysalis and Day Habilitation

Speakers: Mark Loranger, MBA, President and CEO, Chrysalis; M. Arias, CalOptima Health; and M. Simon, CHCF

M. Loranger provided an introduction to day habilitation services, and M. Simon moderated a Q&A discussion to explore how Chrysalis has built a partnership with CalOptima Health.

IV. Closing

Speaker: M. Simon