Providers can feel like they do not have the training needed to administer substance use screening and prevention efforts effectively. Furthermore, carving out time for such training can be a challenge for primary care providers.
The resources in this section offer strategies to inform health plans and providers about the options available for adolescent SBIRT training.
Screening and Brief Intervention with Adolescents – Training platform provides interactive role-play and virtual simulations to improve patient-provider communications and supports the integration of SBIRT in primary care. (NORC and Kognito)
FAQs for Developing Provider CMEs – Provides answers to common questions that health plans may have when developing continuing medical education (CME) trainings, which may be an effective incentive for SBIRT implementation. (Center for Health Care Strategies, 2017)
Adolescent Substance Use Resource Hub – Website shares resources for service providers, youths, parents, and administrators interested in implementing substance use prevention and early prevention initiatives in their communities. (Conrad N. Hilton Foundation)
Video Resources for Youth Substance Use Prevention and Early Intervention – Videos share strategies for using each part of SBIRT among youth and tips for incorporating motivational interviewing. (Conrad N. Hilton Foundation)
Learner’s Guide to Adolescent SBIRT – This training guide and companion resources bring together the tools needed to screen adolescents for alcohol and other drug use; deliver effective brief interventions; link adolescents to medical, behavioral, or specialty treatment services; work with other health professionals in ongoing care coordination; and provide follow-up and recovery supports. (NORC)