YouTube Video

Communities across the U.S. face an array of complex health equity challenges, including meeting the health care needs of people experiencing homelessness, reducing poverty, and improving care for rural populations. Addressing these issues requires robust collaboration and cross-sector data sharing to better understand how community members access health care. While states and community-based organizations (CBOs) have developed data sharing and policy initiatives across sectors, community members are often not included in these efforts. As part of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation-funded Learning and Action in Policy and Partnerships initiative, Data Across Sectors for Health and the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) are working with states, CBOs, and community members to integrate community voice in data sharing and policy reform activities to better address health equity challenges.

This panel discussion explored how state agencies, CBOs, and community members in Arizona, Utah, and Washington State are partnering to advance health equity through data sharing and policy reform activities. Participants learned about opportunities to meaningfully partner with community members to promote health equity at the state and local levels. 


I. Introduction

Speaker: Liz Buck, MPA, Senior Program Officer, CHCS

 L. Buck welcomed participants and introduced the panelists.

II. Panel Discussion

Panelists: Tammy Gallegos, Director, San Juan County Aging Services, Utah; Tyler Rosensteel, MBA, Senior Director, Solari Inc., Arizona; and Lindsay Morgan Tracy, Innovator-in-Chief, Washington State Department of Social and Health Services; Christianna Clinton, Steering Committee member, Governor Inslee’s Poverty Reduction Workgroup; Moderator: Liz Buck

Panelists discussed their community and state activities to involve people with lived expertise in data and policy efforts related to supporting individuals experiencing homelessness, reducing poverty, and using culturally competent approaches to work with seniors in rural populations, including Native American tribes. Panelists discussed the role of community members and CBOs in defining the needs and priorities of the communities being served, the role of state government in embedding community perspectives into policymaking, and sustainability of these partnerships.

III. Moderated Audience Q&A

L. Buck facilitated an audience Q&A session.

IV. Wrap Up

L. Buck provided closing remarks.