Team-based care is an essential building block for state Medicaid agencies to advance high-quality, equitable primary care that places the patient and their unique needs at the center of care. Team-based care enables primary care practices and managed care organizations (MCOs) to deploy staff with diverse skills and backgrounds who can collaborate to address specific patient needs, while also achieving care that is more effective, efficient, and equitable.

This webinar, made possible by The Commonwealth Fund, explored how states and MCOs can partner to support team-based primary care and meaningfully advance states’ health equity goals. The 60-minute event focused on: (1) creating a team-based care approach at the provider level; and (2) using MCO contracts to support and encourage team-based care. It featured innovations from a state Medicaid program, Oregon Health Authority (OHA), and provider support organization, National Health Care for the Homeless Council.

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Strengthening Primary Care through Medicaid Managed Care

This webinar is first in a learning series from the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS), Strengthening Primary Care through Medicaid Managed Care, which is examining the tools and levers that states can use to advance comprehensive primary care strategies and equitably improve the health of Medicaid enrollees. The series is made possible by The Commonwealth Fund.


I. Welcome and Introductions

Speakers: Rob Houston, MBA, MPP, Director, Payment Reform, CHCS; Melinda Abrams, MS, Executive Vice President for Programs, The Commonwealth Fund

R. Houston welcomed participants and provided an overview of the Strengthening Primary Care through Medicaid Managed Care learning series and the benefits of supporting team-based care for Medicaid beneficiaries. M. Abrams described how this series supports The Commonwealth Fund’s mission and goals.

II. State Levers to Incentivize Team-Based Care in Primary Care Settings

Speaker: Neelam Gupta, MPH, MSW, Director, Clinical Supports, Innovation and Workforce Unity, OHA

N. Gupta discussed why OHA is committed to supporting team-based care and how doing so can promote health equity. She described Oregon’s Patient Centered Primary Care Home Program and the strategies Oregon uses to promote team-based care, including: (1) managed care contracting levers; (2) incentivizing team-based care; and (3) setting longer-term goals.

III. Articulating the Value of Team-Based Care from a Provider Perspective

Speaker: Courtney Pladsen, DNP, FNP-BC, RN, Clinical Director, National Health Care for the Homeless Council (NHCHC)

C. Pladsen explained how NHCHC’s partner organizations put their patients at the center of care through their team-based approach and why this is essential for developing an effective treatment plan and advancing health equity. Her presentation addressed: (1) opportunities NHCHC sees across the country to support team-based care; and (2) the supports that practices and their partner organizations need from states and MCOs to implement an effective team-based care approach.

V. Moderated Q&A

Moderator: Matthew Ralls, MPH, CHCS