In many state Medicaid programs, primary care is the foundation supporting other state health care priorities, such as value-based care and health equity. Better primary care is associated with improved health outcomes, lower health care costs, and reductions in health disparities. States can also use their Medicaid managed care programs to better meet the needs of Medicaid enrollees by promoting advanced primary care models.

CHCS is exploring how primary care and Medicaid managed care can advance state health care priorities through a series of webinars, resources, and blog posts. This series, made possible by The Commonwealth Fund, is examining the tools and levers that states can use to advance comprehensive primary care strategies and equitably improve the health of Medicaid enrollees. Following are topics addressed during the series, including links to register for upcoming webinars:


Blog Posts

See a toolkit, Advancing Primary Care Innovation in Medicaid Managed Care, that outlines strategies to support states in defining advanced primary care priorities and achieving related goals.